
8 Features of HP Quality Center you should know

  1. HPQC has feature for RTM (Requirement Traceability Matrix) i.e., it allows the requirement mapped to a relevant test case(s) and defects. This will help the project team to take informed decisions on the test coverage before Go-live. For e.g.: Double click on a defect (which is already linked to a requirement and test case), navigating to “Linked Entities” shows the relevant requirement and test case connected to the defect as below.


2. By default, the requirements, test plan and test lab module are displayed in the tree (hierarchy) structure. The defects module will be shown “Grid View”. However, User can always go to “View” Menu -> “Grid View” to change the view from tree view to Grid view and can customize the display columns.

The entire rows or selected rows can be exported to Excel, Word, Notepad and HTMLqc-requirements-views

3. E-mail notifications: The QC Admin can customize the email notifications each a time change in status happens to a Defect in Defect module.


4. All the roles in the QC will fall under mainly under following groups, i.e., TDAdmin, Project Manager, QA Tester, Developer, and Viewer.

5. Analysis Menu allows the user to generate different types of reports or graphs (Bar chart or pie chart etc).

6. Click on Help > Add-ins page menu, will display the useful plug ins that are available to connect to Quality Centre i.e., integration with other HP Testing tools such as Quick Test Professional and Word and Excel Add-ins to import tests into HPQC.


7. Click on Tools > Document Generator allows the user to create all or selected tests (requirements) into a complete Word document which will be handy in case of unavailability of QC during maintenance window timelines.


8. Favorites allow the user to create public or private “Customized settings”. The public favorite allows the setting to be visible for the entire project team who logs into particular project in HPQC, whereas private favorite allows the setting to be visible only for local user. For e.g.: public favorites will be useful for daily Defect Triage meetings during test execution. Private favorites can be used by testers for him to see how many test cases he has executed or high priority defects raised etc.



One Response to “8 Features of HP Quality Center you should know”

  1. Excellent tips. Was searching like this since so long. Looking forward to more tips…..

    Posted by renu | June 11, 2013, 7:51 pm

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