
This category contains 9 posts

How to map test cases to functional requirements in QC?

In this article we will learn the fundamental concepts on tracing (mapping) the requirements to the other software artifacts or deliverables in the SDLC model and how to leverage HPQC for mapping the tests to the requirements.

What is Requirements Traceability in Quality Center?

RTM facilitates in tracking whether each of the business requirement is covered (i.e., tested) through one or more tests. Thus the quality of the software product (AUT) is tested thoroughly before it is shipped or released to the market.

Test Plan Module in QC: Part1 (Introduction)

In this article you as a tester will learn about how to use “test plan tool bar” to create manual tests in the “Test Plan” module. Test Plan is a component (or module) of HPQC where the tests can be created and stored.

Modules in Quality Center

Irrespective of the Development models used in the projects (Water fall, V-model or Agile models), all them will have minimum the following phases. Requirements analysis (called user stories in agile), Design, Coding, Testing and Implementation. HP QC facilitates for all STLC (software test life cycle) activities, i.e., test requirements -> planned Test cases -> Run …


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