Quality Center

All You Need To Know About Quality Center

What is Quality Center (QC)?

QC is a web based Test Management Tool from HP and includes bug management component within, among others.

What are the key benefits and features of QC?

  • QC supports the complete testing process: requirements management; planning, building, scheduling and executing tests; defect management; and project status analysis.
  • QC allows you to manage manual and automated tests built in WinRunner/QTP from a single place.

What is the difference between Quality and Test Director?

The earlier versions of this test management tool were called Test Director. Now HP calls it as Test Director for Quality Center. (or QC powered by TD). Also with the introduction of QC there were some drastic changes in UI.

What is the latest version available for Quality Center?

QC 10.0

What are the various flavors in which QC is available?

It is available in 3 editions.

  • Starter edition – containing basic functionalty
  • Enterprise edition – containing enhanced functionality
  • Premier Edition – containing ALL features available in QC

Does QC provide version control capabilities?

Yes, starting with QC 10.0, Quality Center does provide version control capabilities in the Quality Center database and file system. Check out the video below.


2 Responses to “All You Need To Know About Quality Center”

  1. Please observe the text ‘Quality Center’ in the second point of the below section which may have to get replaced by QTP

    What are the key benefits and features of QC?
    1) QC supports the complete testing process: requirements management; planning, building, scheduling and executing tests; defect management; and project status analysis.
    2) QC allows you to manage manual and automated tests built in WinRunner/Quality Center from a single place.

    Posted by Anonymous | November 15, 2012, 11:35 am
  2. Thanks @Anonymous – Corrected!

    Posted by admin | November 16, 2012, 10:30 am

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